Party music

By far, my least favorite part of hosting people is picking music.  I like heavy metal…but if I have a party and play heavy metal one of two things will happen.  One, everyone leaves.  Two, everyone loves it and starts smashing my place up.  So off we go to other choices.

I put on a hip hop mix and three songs in, someone wanted “indie” music.  I flipped over and smack my ass, Randy Newman came on.  I hate Randy Newman more than I hate catching my junk in my zipper.  Seriously, we get it you mushmouthed fat jackass.  You sing with the skill of Jack Nicholson post lobotomy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.  So we switched music yet again.  Now I’m a DJ, and a shitty one at that.

The worst, though, is that some drunk acts like we’re in an Ampitheater and goes right to volume 4000 on the dial.  Of course, with the way my trashy neighbors fight, this is a nice revenge moment.  Turn the speakers to the wall, oh and here’s an old favorite of mine – “Primal Concrete Sledge” by Pantera.

The thrift store dumpster dive

No greater risk/reward exists in the Halloween world outside the thrift store trip.  In college, a sorority we partied with (yes, I did use party as a verb) had a “Pimps and Prostitutes party each year.  I got a fur trimmed overcoat, vest, butterfly collar shirt, fake gold, flat dress shoes and even a croched hat for $20.  The perfect add was polyester burgundy pants so tight I couldn’t bend at the knee without the button unsnapping.  $1.  Just $1 to ruin everyone’s night.  Awesome.

Of course, the problem is that you have no idea what trashy smack addict stole these clothes off another possibly dead crack addict to pawn them off in the first place.  There’s one near my place now that has the dirtiest glass windows and doors I’ve ever seen.  Not exactly helping assuage my fears…is that a face print on the glass door?  Slobber?  I’m going to cover myself in sanitizer first and get a broomhandle with a hook on the end so I don’t have to touch this shit.  Then again, I just got a black pleather coat for $5.33 that I’m going to cut the sleeves off of – don’t ask, it’s Halloween.

My idea for a horror movie

Horror movies are usually terrible and then followed by an even worse sequel.  How many damn times can Jason come back?  Space, hell…he could even come back from inner city Youngstown at this point.  OK, that was extreme.  He’s not that indestructible.  So, here’s my idea.  There’s a comedian who murders hecklers after shows.  It’s called, “What Chris Coen wants to do hecklers in real life.”  OK, not too catchy.  How about “You’ll die laughing” or “Everyone killed in this movie is a drunk redneck.”  (That’s who heckles).

The Presidental Debates

How to watch – viewing tips!

If you’re on one side of the spectrum, hope your candidate doesn’t make an ass out of themselves or say something stupid.  Mondale in 1984 said he was raising taxes.  He lost 49 states.  Oops!  Reagan could’ve ate jellybeans and just done the Degeneration X crotch chop and he would’ve won at that point.

Look cool and collect – i.e. Be a good bullshit artist!  Nixon probably would’ve beat Kennedy in 1960, but he was a sweaty, jittery bastard and Kennedy was laying on the charm like he was wooing Marilyn Monroe at the debate.  Don’t worry though, we got Nixon later and he worked out great!  (That’s called sarcasm.)

Have good hair.  America loves old guys with hair.  Never mind they may be pieces of shit, have your hair.  Or get plugs like Biden.  That guy is a walking punch line, but he has fake hair plugs and people still listen to him.

Better yet, be completely neutral.  Every politician’s most coveted voter!  Then you can be swayed by the lies and have at least one third of the country blame you when we get a shitty president.  Excuse me while I order my “Don’t blame me, I voted for fill in the blank” bumper sticker.

Home improvement sucks

I decided to paint my condo this weekend.  Sounds easy enough, I thought.  It would have been easy, if I wasn’t more or less a caveman.  I went to buy paint and realized there were 523 whites.  Why are white colors in red/yellow/blue color coded sections?  Whatever – I’ll go with this one…of course there’s then satin, semi-gloss, high gloss, and flat, some marked enamel, some marked exterior.  God this sucks, where’s the paint person?  NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.  After 15 minutes of feeling (even more) stupid, I grabbed some crap and left.

My girlfriend showed up and proceeded to point out I picked Ultra Pure White, which would have made my place look like a medical lab or Superman’s Fortress of Solitude.  I took it back and then was told the color codes are the blends that go in the white to make one of the four million other shades of white.   This is too complicated.  Maybe I should just paint everything black so it doesn’t matter and start hanging out with goth weirdos who like that look.  That sounds better.