Party music

By far, my least favorite part of hosting people is picking music.  I like heavy metal…but if I have a party and play heavy metal one of two things will happen.  One, everyone leaves.  Two, everyone loves it and starts smashing my place up.  So off we go to other choices.

I put on a hip hop mix and three songs in, someone wanted “indie” music.  I flipped over and smack my ass, Randy Newman came on.  I hate Randy Newman more than I hate catching my junk in my zipper.  Seriously, we get it you mushmouthed fat jackass.  You sing with the skill of Jack Nicholson post lobotomy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.  So we switched music yet again.  Now I’m a DJ, and a shitty one at that.

The worst, though, is that some drunk acts like we’re in an Ampitheater and goes right to volume 4000 on the dial.  Of course, with the way my trashy neighbors fight, this is a nice revenge moment.  Turn the speakers to the wall, oh and here’s an old favorite of mine – “Primal Concrete Sledge” by Pantera.