The Great Debate – OSU vs. UM

This was the 2nd year in a row that I did the “Great Debate” (  It is a benefit show that is centered around four Ohio State debaters/roasters vs. four Michigan debaters/roasters, with a score assigned to each presenter.  I’m on the OSU side in Columbus, so needless to say, it’s pretty easy to hit home runs (people in Columbus, Ohio tend to like OSU more than Michigan…)

Last year, I met this rather nice, but loopy old lady that runs it.  She came up to me, as I was drinking a beer and wearing a t-shirt – “Are you the reverend?  Are you giving the convocation?”  Yes, sister.  Hold my beer as I spread the Gospel.  She also is one of those people who talks into the mike, sometimes.  The crowd can’t hear a word she says and starts saying, “What?  What?”  She just barrells on through.  It’s really quite amazing how impervious a person can be to 200+ in a crowd.  On to the debate…

Wedding people

I have been to a ton of weddings and noticed common themes.  When I walked into one Saturday, I was greeted by “way too excited and interested in everyone lady”.  Every sentence was delivered like she was talking to people in heaven for the first time.  “Oh, my, it’s SO NICE to see all you wonderful people!  I love when we all get together!”  (No one knew who this lady was).  I looked over later and saw her pounding wine like her throat was on fire.  That explains a lot.

Kids dancing is a staple of weddings and quite sly, as parents use this to wear the little hellions out for the ride home.  There’s always a little kid that’s way too excited and a drunk guy that is breaking it down by himself near the bar, waiting for the kids to get off the floor so he can try to woo whatever ladies showed up without dates.  I know this from experience, sadly.

Finally, there is the complete mess.  Usually a female, very drunk, probably dressed a little too slutty and very insistent that this was the best wedding ever.  “Oh my God, you two are SO perfect together, I just know this will work out!”  Thanks, saucehound!  Have you met my friend the dancing guy by the bar?  I think you two should hit the dance floor for our amusement.

Alright, OWS, that’s enough

Columbus traffic right now SUCKS.  I hate it.  Even more, I hate the diabolical madness of whatever gov’t official is deciding to change the lane pattern every other f/n day.  Also, why are they blocking off everything from Grove City to Gahanna when no one is working on more than 150 yards a pop?  Why does this anger me so?  There is nothing I hate more than wasting time due to other people.  I’ll waste my own time with video games, beer, and facebook, but when someone interrupts me, I turn purple with rage.

Thus, Occupy Wall Street.  Some of them had good points, but most are just creeps and college students bitching.  I’ve seen stories of them shitting on cop cars, throwing rocks at cops, spreading TB and other diseases from the filth, a couple anti-Semitic rants (yes, blame the Jews, no one’s done that before), and of course, THE RAPES.  Now, to top it off, they’re blocking transportation in some cities (the Occupy “movement” as a collective).  If I lived in NYC, I would murder someone in a year due to the traffic, people, and cramped conditions.  I can’t imagine some blue collar laborer has much tolerance for Cale the modern film major, in his seventh year of undergraduate studies at NYU blocking his way home when his wife is sick and kids need picked up.  Get your ass back to daddy’s money or your dorm, dickhead.  Plus, I’ve talked to residents there.  These idiots are flooding the restaurants for their bathrooms and hurting the businesses.  They have enough problems with the city governments taxing the hell out of them and passing more regulations than you can count.

Finally, I never liked a lot of cops when I was in college.  They were harrassing me, MAN!  Now that I’ve been out a decade?  I’m surprised I wasn’t arrested more.  I was a real bag of shit that was aggressively drinking with no real responsibilities.  How I am still alive after doing mule kicks off of frat house roofs, driving my car from the outside at 35 mph, and getting into knockdown turf warfare with groups of white trash is a testament to good genes and/or incredible luck.  I now root for cops – every rock or bottle tossed by a hippie makes me pine for a nice macing at the least, if not a mighty overhand smash from a nightstick.  Yes, Wall Street has a ton of flaws.  Yes, I believe in protest and freedom of speech.  Yes, I think cronyism is turning Washington into a swamp of corruption.  There are better ways to do this.  Every cop pulled from their route is another mugging, rape, vandalism, or God knows what else.  If you really care about fairness, sell your iPad and give the money to the homeless guy that used to sleep in the park you now occupy and volunteer to get your corrupt political representation, whatever party, the hell out of office.  Quit bugging the rest of society with your drum circles, stinky, I can see your designer jeans from here.

All I ever needed to know about life, I learned in…yuck

I hate books and poems and what not that start like that.  Did you learn everything in Kindy Garden?  That we all need nappy time and sharing?  Teach that to the next Hitler or Stalin.  Grow up, take off your diaper and be an adult.  I’d love to have a summer break to play wiffleball (drink) or tag (more drinking), but it’s not real so stuff it.

I did learn some funny shit in sports though.  My HS football coach, Coach Moore, played with a big pussy when he was in HS who faked injuries all the time to avoid the field.  His coach got tired of it when ol’ Softy went down with a knee injury.  The old early 70’s era coach roared for a first aid kit.  He took out an aspirin, put a band aid over it, then lifted the kid up and yelled, “Get back in there and give ’em hell!”  I learned from that story if you’re weak, you will be humiliated.

My other fun time story was when I played, the two worst players went head to head in a blocking drill.  They hit each other like two goose feather pillows being swung by invalids.  As the team erupted with fake, mocking, enthusiasm, one fell over by accident, creating the greatest moment in one guy’s life for finally winning a drill.  My coach looked down and said, “If I saw two dogs doing that in my front yard, I’d turn the hose on them.”  I didn’t learn shit from that, but God I love that line.

Things I have learned over the years

When I am in a show rife with apathy, I curse about 200% more often.  If you hear me make reference to shooting someone, even myself, I am mentally done with the show.

People hate politicians and want someone outside of lawyer or career politician to run.  When one does or a third party pops up, they get (usually) murdered in the polls, regardless of party.  This entertains me as much as it disturbs me.

I save a lot of coupons, then never use them.  Also, I need to start tossing Maxims and Playboys – deep down I know they’re not worth shit.  I am hoarding on an elementary level.

Japanese steakhouse

I ate at a Japanese steakhouse last night in Detroit.  This meant I wanted to enduce vomiting afterwards and the maid should probably bring a canary into my room for safety.  Our Hibachi chef was an authentic Japanese master named Jorge, but in all seriousness he was awesome.  He made a Mickey Mouse out of rice, then stuck the spatula into the mouth area and talked with it.  I clapped like a seal, while the fat kid and his autistic brother ignored him and played video games.  Kids these days…

The only bad part was the awful mom across from me that had to special order everything.  “I want noodles, but only the yellow noodles and no veggies.”  Then she ate all the veggies with her meal.  Meanwhile, I was dangerously low on Bud Light, which goes well with everything.  Plus her socially awkward kid was screaming the whole time.  I would have paid Jorge to flip a hot shrimp tail into her needy face, but I was too busy eating 4000 calories of future farts.  I am going to bed now, my stomach hates me.