The Great Debate – OSU vs. UM

This was the 2nd year in a row that I did the “Great Debate” (  It is a benefit show that is centered around four Ohio State debaters/roasters vs. four Michigan debaters/roasters, with a score assigned to each presenter.  I’m on the OSU side in Columbus, so needless to say, it’s pretty easy to hit home runs (people in Columbus, Ohio tend to like OSU more than Michigan…)

Last year, I met this rather nice, but loopy old lady that runs it.  She came up to me, as I was drinking a beer and wearing a t-shirt – “Are you the reverend?  Are you giving the convocation?”  Yes, sister.  Hold my beer as I spread the Gospel.  She also is one of those people who talks into the mike, sometimes.  The crowd can’t hear a word she says and starts saying, “What?  What?”  She just barrells on through.  It’s really quite amazing how impervious a person can be to 200+ in a crowd.  On to the debate…