All I ever needed to know about life, I learned in…yuck

I hate books and poems and what not that start like that.  Did you learn everything in Kindy Garden?  That we all need nappy time and sharing?  Teach that to the next Hitler or Stalin.  Grow up, take off your diaper and be an adult.  I’d love to have a summer break to play wiffleball (drink) or tag (more drinking), but it’s not real so stuff it.

I did learn some funny shit in sports though.  My HS football coach, Coach Moore, played with a big pussy when he was in HS who faked injuries all the time to avoid the field.  His coach got tired of it when ol’ Softy went down with a knee injury.  The old early 70’s era coach roared for a first aid kit.  He took out an aspirin, put a band aid over it, then lifted the kid up and yelled, “Get back in there and give ’em hell!”  I learned from that story if you’re weak, you will be humiliated.

My other fun time story was when I played, the two worst players went head to head in a blocking drill.  They hit each other like two goose feather pillows being swung by invalids.  As the team erupted with fake, mocking, enthusiasm, one fell over by accident, creating the greatest moment in one guy’s life for finally winning a drill.  My coach looked down and said, “If I saw two dogs doing that in my front yard, I’d turn the hose on them.”  I didn’t learn shit from that, but God I love that line.