This is 100% true. I completely forgot about this until I opened the paper today and saw a story about Iyman Faris. I was a rep at a truck rental facility and he was one of our customers who rented a trailer. He would never bring it in for service, so one day I found out he had parked it on the lot, which was a no no. I called, but no answer. I broke the lock, severed a seal (which may invalidate an entire shipment as having been tampered with) and found a bunch of washing machines inside. We serviced the trailer and reparked. He called in six days later and went off on me. I told him it was his fault for not returning my calls and he would have to deal with the broken lock and seal. (See upcoming customer service blog, I at least tried.)
Six months later, I opened up the paper and saw this guy was scouting out blowing up the Brooklyn Bridge and had made calls to al-Qaeda. He got 20 years in prison. I can only surmise from this I made him so angry he slipped up and was caught. Actually, he probably put me on his list, but it was discovered later he had schizophrenia, so he likely saw me as a 12 foot tall Uncle Sam or blue octopus that stole his trailer. Imagine that, a crazy terrorist! This is really not a very interesting story, but I talked to this scumbag and we yelled at each other. That’s it. Whatever…take that, freedom hater! USA! USA!