Field 3, runners-up – now it’s all complete

Softball playoffs last night meant one thing – a chance to put a cheap, shitty trophy in our watering hole.  Since 2003, we have been the recipients of one second place and two third place kind of cheap, fake gold awards.  What would our chances boil down to?  Like every week – how bad was the other team playing that night?

We won the first game in dramatic fashion and our one fan/teammate’s girlfriend seemed almost as excited as us (not very).  We had a chance for it all and prepared vigorously by drinking beer in the parking lot.  Upon returning, an observation was made.  First, the worst team in the playoffs was up 17 runs after four innings.  Strange…it seems some of their players aren’t wearing jerseys or team shirts…  Ringers!  Although against the rules, teams always load up for the post-season and enforcement works about as well border patrol in this country would if we gave our agents unicycles.

Well, there was no drama.  We got our asses kicked, which means no magic 1st place obelisk will stand in the dark corner behind the pool table…but a smaller and almost as useless second place one will!  I then forgot about the team photo in my rush to get to the bar ahead of everyone, so no record exists of me being on this legendary crew of softball heroes.  Oh well, at least I can take away one important thing from this season.  I didn’t tear my hamstring, and that’s all that really matters.

The State Fair

I hadn’t been to the state fair since 1992, so I thought what the hell, let’s give it the ol’ college try.  God, I am stupid sometimes.  At the gate, it was $10.  $10, to walk in and…walk around.  A person.  As in each.  Oh well, let’s take it all in!  I, being a history buff (why is only history the one with buffs?  No one calls me an alcohol buff) was excited to see the Civil War camp recreation.  Then I walked up and realized it was eight pup tents and some old guns with big cards that said things like, “Union troops were called Billy Yank, Confederates were Johnny Rebs.”  Wow, insightful.  So insightful that some bearded hippie crawled into the last tent and fell asleep.  In the tent.  At the fairgrounds.

I debated what horrible treat to eat, but finally settled for a gyro, which was indeed horrible, both for me and in taste.  That’s not cucumber sauce, carnie, that’s no label sour cream – and did you step on the pita beard?  It tastes like shoes.  My lady got a lemon shake up from a rather, shall I say, non-gym rat looking chick that another carny was trying to hit on while washing his boots with a hose.  Her beverage tasted like a lemon shake up, but mixed with a gallon of old dishwater.

We then walked to the sports exhibit, which after a half mile, realized was not open.  Neither was the snake exhibit.  Or the other building.  Oh look, the heritage arts is open! (Read: dumb country stuff like candles, candle holders, wood cut outs of candles, oh and those “funny” signs like “Get out of Grandma’s kitchen!” and “This property protected by an Alpaca!”)

I also hate carnival rides.  When I was four or five, some kids got killed on one, so I have an inate distrust of them, which is not helped by the shifty appearance of the rat-like carnies.  How can someone eat nothing but turkey legs and deep fried Marlboros and survive?  Answer: More Marlboros, apparently.  If I have kids, I think I’ll show them pictures of POW camps from third world countries and tell them that’s what the fair is like, but instead of imprisonment, people pay to go to the fair.

Congrats to the boys

My fraternity, Phi Kappa Tau, the Delta Lamba chapter at Muskingum College got awards this week for 1st in philanthropy and 4th in community service.  As a member of the Board of Governors, I was very proud, especially considering my idea of community service is one mandated from a judge.

It is one hell an accomplishment from a fraternity from a small school, so good work gentlemen and don’t let old, washed up frat alumni tell you any differently.  My pet peeve when I was in school was a fat, balding drunk alum coming in.  “We had some sweet parties, bro!  We were awesome!”  Then you look down and see the piss dribble stain on his too short khakis complementing the Bud Light stain on his faded polo shirt.  Then you would watch as he hit on 19 year old co-eds and feel sad about a lot of things.  “Sweet parties?  Really?  Go fuck yourself.  Give us some cash.”

One time my frat had to do some community service for a bogus noise complaint.  I went to kangaroo court and actually was so eloquent, we got out of a $2000 fine.  (Call me Daniel Webster)  Our punishment for playing a stereo at 8 pm on a Tuesday became 200 hours of community service.  Me and my pal Camp pulled weeds near the town’s welcome to sign.  Bent over and in protest, I pulled my shorts down and showed the passing cars visiting my rather “hair-gifted” ass while me and Camp giggled like stoners.  Seriously, my nickname was Bear, and it wasn’t for my deep voice.  Thank you, bad genes.  You’ll come in handy next Ice Age!

Women’s sports are great

Some “pig” men I know don’t care for women’s sports.  Well, let me tell you what I think about that, you chauvinists!

God bless the person that came up with these

I’ll have you know that these ladies work just as hard as you men.  Staying in shape…tight, hard shape…kind of a round, but firm shape…

Her butt must be hungry! High five anyone?

I for one am about sick and tired of you mysoginistic types selling these ladies shorts!  (I mean short, that must have slipped out…)  Oh, nice point…yes, group hug each other…excellent…  I am going to support these fine athletes every step of way!  (DVR set for women’s volleyball)

The beach ones are even better? There goes my week.

Support the Troops

If you’re in Columbus, check out my show tomorrow at Flanagan’s at 9 pm (it’s actually in Dublin, technically).  Just $5, or you can bring shampoo, coffee, all the usual items to be sent overseas (just pay $5, it’s easier).  I am excited to do this show, because I support the military and the sacrifices they make for us.  I would give up drinking for America.  Thank God this bizarre scenario doesn’t actually exist, though…I shudder to think the fate of my beloved country teeters on my going sober.  Also, I’m excited because there are a ton of comics on it and I’m tired of getting facebook messages.  Let me explain.

If you send a message to a normal person, he/she will respond.  If you send one to a comedian, they will probably retort with something funny (or try to) and get the last word.  Now imagine it’s after midnight on a Tuesday, you just fell asleep and six of the comics on the show are messaging for two hours straight trying to one up each other.  Meanwhile, you’re just tired enough not to get up as your smartphone is blowing the hell up with noises every single time some dickhead has to toss another log into the joke fire.  Of course, since they’re comedians, most have no 9-5 job and all are drunk.  You can’t turn off said phone, because it’s your alarm clock and you can’t figure out how to turn off notifications until it’s 3 am.  The glamour, the fame – I don’t know how I handle it.

Time is money, aka you’re probably wasting my time

People these days love to ask questions already answered.  I get about three or four questions a month – when are doing a show next?  Well, if you’re reading this, its on this very site!  Wow!  Technology!  I had someone message me – what is the venue’s policy on tickets?  Funny, because I had the venue’s website and phone number in the show details.  Plus, they contacted me via the “internet” so I know they could’ve looked it up, called, sent a carrier pigeon.  You know what’s the worst?  Of those four messages a month, 95% NEVER SHOW UP.  EVER!  NOT ONCE.

Do people call Axl Rose or text him when they go to a Guns N’ Roses concert?  Of course not.  “Hey Axl, are you singing “Civil War?  I like that song!”  Do people message A Rod when checking out a Yankees game about the beer prices?  No.  That would be dumb.  “Hey, Obama…I’m going to DC next month.  What time does the Smithsonian open up?”  Did you check out the “internet”?  (Assuming he answered)  “No, I thought I would text you personally!”  Thanks, but I’m running the country.  No idea.  Yes, I did put myself on the level of Axl, A Rod, and Obama, but I am funnier than all three put together so pound sand.  Oh, and if you need details, check out  (Secret…it’s not a real website…)  You won’t, so just message me personally, I give you the details, then you no show anyway and I ferret away another rage factor that leads to a stroke.

All that rage aside, I love when you folks come to my shows.  It’s awesome.  If, however, you never plan on coming…ever…then…oh what’s the point?  You’re going to message me anyways.  Tell you what, my next show is in Gary, Indiana.  Free tickets!  Wear a shirt that says something about white power and you get in free!