If a comedian falls in the woods…

Is a comic who isn’t telling jokes on a stage a comic? Welcome to 2020, the crotch of comedic years. The unwashed, jock itch year of comedy. Let’s view how comedy is going at large.

There are virtually no indoor shows and it’s late October. I have been told since I started that outdoor shows are an absolute disaster. Semis pulling jake brakes, Harleys and engine revvers, bad acoustics and weather changes make for a crapshoot. It’s been literally the only way to get onstage for most comedians and it’s going to be a high of 50 starting next week. Yay.

There are indoor shows, but they are restricted attendance and very limited opportunities exist. This is good for the industry that they have this option, as a lot of clubs were in trouble before the pandemic. I know of ten clubs and venues that went away in the three years BEFORE this all started. We are literally seeing a bloodbath in the industry of food and entertainment right now. I have counted five restaurants in my area that are gone since the lockdowns started. Oh and coronavirus is still around and being open is a huge burden because the staff literally has to relearn how to do their jobs. I haven’t done an indoor show since February.

So what’s left? Zoom stand-up? I won’t do it. Telling jokes into an iPhone is literally insanity. I’ve done a live podcast, a sketch type video and an interview style show, but no stand-up while sitting down in my kitchen talking to a screen.

Truth be told, I haven’t enjoyed doing stand-up for years. Not to say I’m done or quitting or retiring; for as nostalgic as I am in general, I have had salt rubbed in my eyes with comedy for years. Quite frankly, if I record an album like I planned to this year, I would be absolutely fine never doing another set in my life. I realized I hate every recording of myself doing stand-up and I have put too much effort into it in 13 years to leave with no record I can even stomach watching. I’m at the point with comedy that unless something changes, I don’t see shows starting back up and I’m not sure I care. I see other comics and open mikers talking about missing the stage. I roll my eyes back into my head when someone asks how comedy is going. I have no interest in it. Maybe that will change, but probably not anytime soon.

So long story short, I have nothing to blog about. I have no shows on schedule, the pandemic is still raging and people have absolutely lost their minds drinking political Jonesboro Kool-Aid right now worse than I ever seen in my life…but I felt I had to put something out there since I have a comedy site. Maybe next blog I’ll share a recipe or thoughts on a history topic like the Civil War or rank hair metal bands. Oh wait, it’s a comedy site. I’ll do that, plus a video of me stepping in dog shit. Enjoy!