The Survival Race

The new trend in fitness appears to be obstacle course 5K’s.  I know, I have done a few.  Warrior this, Hell that, Survival whatever, Armageddon blah…basically they encourage fitness stars and out of shape beer guzzlers like me to give it a go and have a good ol’ time.  Here’s what you need to know about this new trend.

1) Trust me.  You are NOT in the worst shape of the participants.  They charge $40 plus to get in.  They’ll let the “My 600 lb. Life” cast in these things.  Just sign the waiver for the lawyers!

2) Obstacle can mean walking across a ten foot board.  It can also mean carrying a frozen ass 50 lb. sandbag 200 yards.  It’s like a kindergarten teacher and sado-masochist planned the race.

3) Celebrities abound.  First one, I saw Tone Loc.  Last one, Arnold Schwarzenegger.  I keep this up, I may run into someone really famous like Richard Simmons or the juice guy with the weird eyebrows (is he still alive?)

4) I bitched that they didn’t show the results after my last race.  Then I saw my results.  No thanks, information society.