
The day after New Year’s I had a little tickle in my throat.  Two days later, my sinus became filled with plumber’s caulk and I had the energy of an eighty year old man.  So my weekend involved a lot of TV and home remedies.  I considered drilling a hole into my sinus cavity, but I don’t think my insurance covers it.

I snorted, drank and pill-popped meds like I was Lindsay Lohan on a Friday night (how’s that for a 2007 joke!).  My personal favorite was ingesting apple cider vinegar and honey.  I like honey.  I would rather drink expired tartar sauce rather than smell vinegar.  It worked for about ten minutes.

I also managed to watch a lot of TV.  Thanks to Billy Madison being on MTV, I saw at least 55 commercials with the Real World and Teen Mom 2.  I realized the only thing keeping these shows from being the same is luck and a few rubbers.  I also managed to do some manly things like loading firewood and fixing a generator.  Well maybe not manly, I mean the firewood was pre-chopped and all I had to do was chuck it in a Jeep.  Oh and the generator worked, I just had to put gas on the carburetor, which took me entirely too long to find.  Now if only I get healthy this week, I can fight a bear and check off another box of my man card.  I’m kidding, if you hear anyone say man card, please slap them.