Conversations at the bar

My open mike on Monday had some great conversations and comedy moments.  Here’s a snippet.

Guy walked in and said, “Do you have any Goldschlager?”  No, I don’t think so.  “OK, I’ll take a coffee.”  How one is on the fence between coffee and Goldschlager, I’ll never know.  However, my mornings would be more interesting.

A comic did a joke about whipping it out.  Minutes later, another comic said, “That story Zach said about whipping it out reminds me of a story…”  Chances are, not a story anyone wants to hear.  Except me, that stuff cracks me up, both the callback and the story itself.

Finally, one of our regular performers told a tale of a homeless guy getting robbed at the shelter he is in.  Yes, he’s homeless too.  The man was in a rage over being robbed.  I can tell you this, if there are three people in a room, someone is stealing something.  I lived in a fraternity house in college with 33 other guys.  Dirty movies, booze and tobacco got stolen so often, armed guards at every door couldn’t stop it.  My roomie bought a skin mag once and went to the restroom.  By the time he flushed, some “brother” of ours stole it and half a pack of Marlboro lights.  You can imagine what strangers will do.