Rock on the Range Comedy – post show

After the comedy show, I got to relax and enjoy the coolness of having backstage access at a rock concert.  Yes, if you’re wondering, I am milking this topic, it was cool.  I got to see the stage from right behind it and hang out in the artist tent.  I had to tinkle, so someone told me to go around the corner to the trailer.  I nearly opened the door when I looked down.

Excuse me fellas, can I use your pisser?
Excuse me fellas, can I use your pisser?

I nearly opened up Wolfmother’s trailer to wee.  Oops.  I found the restroom and came out to see Kid Rock getting a police escort in.  I wandered back to the common area and was stopped by the staff.  “Sir, I’m going to need you to go in the tent.”  “It’s OK, I have an artist pass!”  “Go in the tent, sir.”  It became obvious that even though I had a pass, it was no match for the headlining musician.  Oh well, back to the booze tent!

My police escorts are usually way different.
My police escorts are usually way different.

Kid Rock got a police escort.  I got a ride from my lady to Lowe’s, then walked over.  Pretty much the same.  I ended up meeting the guys from Gojira.  They don’t speak English well, so we talked about the weather in Ohio.  I can bore people no matter where they are from.  I finally called it a night, but I think I should never expect this green room ever again, unless I find some talent lying around somewhere.