Rock on the Range comedy – part 2

I walked to the comedy tent and was pleasantly surprised to see the tent was jam packed with a couple hundred metal fans.  There were so many, they were sitting on the ground.  I realized one of the following had happened: Free beer (not so, it was a concert.  Beers were $8/a human hand), people heard I was there (and thought I was someone else, perhaps Chris Cornell), or they did a good job marketing.  Probably the last one.

I got to meet Jim Florentine, a really great comic and host of That Metal Show on VH1.  We shot the shit about metal for a while.  In other words, he was nice enough to put up with me talking about Iron Maiden until he went up to start the show.  The show went very well, although people were yelling out randoms at me.  I couldn’t understand the mass yelling, probably thanks to years of metal damaging my ear drums…or years of training myself to ignore drunk people screaming.

Afterwards, I got to meet Jim Breuer, who was headlining the show.  He said I had a good set, which was cool, but I am realistic enough to realize he probably would have said that if I smacked my own ass for fifteen minutes.  That may be better than my normal act some days.  I had to get a picture, but I feel like a tool asking, so I missed Florentine.  Luckily, I was able to ask Breuer and he didn’t have security attack me.  I am a tool.

Just two famous comics, hanging out
Just two famous comics, hanging out

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