That’s what I bring to the table

I had a meeting for my condo association last night.  We brought in a lawyer to discuss several important issues.  He was going over some important legal issues and saw some of us (probably me) didn’t fully comprehend what was going on.  Or probably the lady that resigned rather than sit through the meeting.  Yes, that happened.

He said, “Let me put it a different way, does anyone like Seinfeld?”  Almost everyone nodded.  “It’s like the condo complex Jerry’s parents live in.”  I got excited, because I finally had something to contribute.  “Del Boca Vista!”, I blurted out.  Everyone turned at stared at me with annoyance mixed with awe.  I realize it had nothing to do with his point, brought zero value to the discussion, and in general extended the meeting several unnecessary seconds, which in a meeting of any type is unforgivable.  That said, I’m glad I did it and quite frankly, was rather let down no one else knew that.  So there.  We’ll have the airing of grievances later.