Why I generally don’t talk to strangers

I had a market research study yesterday.  We got into groups of three to do a little meet and greet to loosen us up to later spill our guts about their product.  The first guy was pretty normal, the second not really.  Dirty jeans, a neck tattoo that I couldn’t figure out what it was, and a couple of rotten teeth.  How did I know about his teeth?  He volunteered that info pretty quickly.

He asked me what I did for fun.  I decided to try and be a little humorous so I said, “Drink.”  Not that this is untrue, but whatever.  He replied, “I like to play with my kids.”  That’s nice.  “Do you have any kids?”  Nope.  “How old are you?”  34.  “You should look at settling down, man.”  At this point I was infinitely annoyed, but played along.  How many do you have?  “Three kids.  With three women.”  I scanned his countenance for a hint of sarcasm, but none was to be found.  Ah, settling down, I see.  Thanks for the advice, stranger.  Any investments I should look into?  Since I am talking to such a distinguished blueblood, I figured I would take some sound counsel.