Rookie revelations

Another open mike, another hilarious run in with newbies.  They say public speaking is the biggest fear people have.  This must be true, because the new comic the other night was a former crack addict and prostitute.  Really.  Yet, despite having sex with strange men regularly, she did about three minutes and froze up.  She then ran off stage, meaning as emcee, I had to sprint to the mike.  Public speaking may be rough, but I think I’ll take that over sex with strangers for crack money.  Just my thoughts on the issue.

Of course, almost as great was another new guy who decided to do bit on showering with other men in the locker room.  “I saw a lot of dicks.”  Then he lost his place.  He stopped, pulled out his notes, read them quickly.  “I remember now, I saw a lot of dicks in the shower.”  I haven’t seen a lot of penises in my day, but I don’t need notes about it or have any desire to write “Remember the dicks” on a sheet of paper someone can find.

One Reply to “Rookie revelations”

  1. I think writing “remember the dicks” on a sheet of paper where someone can find seems like a pretty good prank…or imagine you just happened to have that on you and you dropped dead of a heart attack or something and that’s what everyone finds…could imagine some confusion.

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