Open mike night

Tonight will be the debut of open mike night comedy at Rehab Tavern.  Rehab, as in the decor, not everyone there quit drinking.  That would be dumb, having a bar full of sober people.  Open mikes are key for comedians, since you can’t exactly practice your craft in front of your dog or cat.  Well, you can, but then you’re not a comedian, you’re a whack job like David Berkowitz.

I haven’t ran my own show for quite a while.  I’ve put together several gigs, mostly in my hometown of Zanesville, but due to bars going out of business or the person I dealt with going to prison, those have all ended.  It should be good, plus I think I will mix it up for the crowd – perhaps like making the worst received act of the evening slice off a finger or toe.  People like violent entertainment.  One nut job that did comedy several years ago proposed doing a toughman competition with comedians.  I don’t know what happened to that guy, but he’s probably in prison with my former contact from the last show I ran.  I hope so.