Tech support

My cell phone has been sending double texts to me.  It’s mildly annoying.  What was more rage inducing, though, was when I got a text.  Then it came through again every hour, on the hour, the entire evening…until about 8 am the next morning.  Now I’m angry.

I called the support line and held for about 90 options until the support choice came up.  I then got an American on the phone, which was rather surprising.  His advice to me was “Turn the phone off, then on again.”  Wow, insightful!  He then suggested I call from another phone, which is not an option, seeing as to how I ditched a landline in 2002 like most of the civilized world.  There are people in third world countries that don’t have flush toilet that would mock you for having a landline.

It finally boiled down to one choice for me.  Deal with the double texts, or completely wipe out my phone’s contacts, apps, etc.  Let me think, get twice the texts…since I get about five a week that makes ten…or risk losing every phone number and have to download 25 apps again.  Looks like I need to up my text plan to senior citizen and plan on double digit texts.