
I had a show Saturday and all things considered, it went pretty well.  However, it is amazing how one little thing can throw you for a loop.  Pre-show I was told no “f word”, which is not life or death, but the little seed of restraint grows into a tree rather quickly.  On my first joke, of course ultimately about my penis, I realized I hadn’t done it in a minute and missed a non-essential line.  While I pondered this, I grabbed my crotch…one line before the punchline.  Ah yes, the unnecessary crotch grab.  Off to good start.

I then got to a joke where the key is my grandma saying fuck, not on purpose, but because she had never heard it before and was repeating the conversation she heard.  I realized I couldn’t say it and the joke lost its edge.  I came to this realization, but also decided to plow through the rest of the material.  Don’t lose faith, kids.  I still did everything else verbatim, including my joke about running over a guy while driving and plenty o’ sex humor.  Glad to know the f word was off limits, but dirty sex, vehicular homicide and public indecency are still OK.  Take that, establishment!  (Just kidding establishment, please book me for more shows.)