Trying to outdo the comedian

There’s a side of comedy that no one gets to see, but it may be the worst part – people before the show trying to joke it up with me.  I was walking into a show and some guy said, “Are you the comedian or the commodian?  HA HA HA!”  As in commode, like they called toilets in 1942.  Have you seen my act, dick?  It’s shit and you’re paying me.  Commodian it is.

I walked into the show Saturday and told the people at the front that I was one of the comics.  “You don’t look all that funny!  HA HA HA!”  Oh, I always look like this when I’m talking to a moron.  It’s very exhausting.  I then set up camp in the back and three guys meandered over and proceeded to yuck it up with inside jokes about the people in the room (I didn’t know any of them) and how I “could use that in my act!”  Thanks!  I’ll ditch the stuff I’ve worked out over the last five years and go with your advice.  Boy, that Jim really does like to fish!  HA HA HA (rope goes taut, legs twitch).

Probably the most disturbing was after a show when a short, very drunk man came up to me.  “You should do more n-word jokes in your act!”  Only he didn’t say n-word.  Also, by more, he was implying that I did at least one n-word joke in the first place.  Suddenly his daughter ran up and said, “I’m sorry, that’s my dad.  He’s very racist.”  What bothered me was I could tell this had happened before.  Well, it was nice being here.  Now excuse while I hop in the Delorean and go back to 2012!