Pet sitting

I am a dog owner, so most people assume I can watch animals.  Not so much.  I am currently “catsitting” and I don’t much care for it.  I cleaned out the litter boxes (3 of them) and found these enormous pee clumps the size of baseballs.  I think it was pee, not so sure.  Then I noticed cats don’t eat or drink water.  My dumb dog ate KFC gravy out the trash can last week when I left it unattended for 15 seconds.  In fact, a dog will eat until vomiting, then eat that.  I may be starving these cats, but I have no idea.

Once, when sitting, I apparently left a door cracked, which led to a dog knocking over the bird cage and ravaging the new family bird.  To avoid the trauma, I wrapped it up in paper towels and flung it into a field from my moving car.  That’s a little awkward of call to make.  “How are the pets?”  Well, two are pretty good.  The bird is now with Jesus or the eagle god or whatever happens to parakeets when savagely ripped apart in the jowls of a 60 lb. dog.  Now about that sitting money…