New York’s mayor is a grandmother

Michael Bloomberg is a douche.  After the big soda ban, now he is focusing his efforts on big popcorn, which follows his virulent anti-salt and anti-smoking bans, oh and don’t forget trans fat.  He just got busted violating his own anti-helicopter ban, which doesn’t phase him, because he’s a multi-millionaire and he pays the fine while laughing at the rabble.  Thanks, hypocrite, please tell me how to live.

Hey Bloomturd, you know how people get fat?  They eat too much.  So when you ban huge sodas, they order three smaller ones, which means the business marks them up for everyone, because now they have to do more dishes and hire more wait staff to serve more drinks.  Or they stay home and chug two liters.  Oops.  Looks like you did nothing, you nothing.

There are two grandma stereotypes – one who gives you everything (good) and one who is a stingy old nag that points out your flaws.  Most of us, like me, have the former.  New York has the latter…and voted for him…three times.  That means he must have ran against breast cancer three years in a row or New York likes the abuse.  Basically, Bloomdud is Zed from Pulp Fiction and NYC is the gimp.  Thank God I live in Ohio…where you can’t smoke, drive without a seatbelt, or drive drunk.  OK, I was reaching on the last one, but who’s with me on putting a bumper lane for drunks on the highways?  Anyone?  Anyone?