I’ll have the Guido!

I got some food last night and perused the menu.  None of it really caught my eye until I saw a sandwich with Italian beef, pepperoni, peppers and other type stuff called the Guido.  So I ordered it.  I then realized how socially unacceptable that would be for any other race than whitey.  “Oh, I’ll have the fwied wice.  Why is it spelled like that?  Oh, I get it!  Racism jokes all around!”  That would be horribly unacceptable.  Then again, after Jersey Shore, I think Italians have had enough shame and abuse for at least a decade so I guess a sandwich is nothing.

Then I remembered once at an Irish bar, I ordered a round of Irish car bombs.  After ten minutes, the very non-Irish bartender came back and said, “You can’t order those, it’s offensive.”  Me: “To whom?  I’m part Irish (Scot-Irish, but he didn’t know the details).”  I then was told to change my order, or I would be served and have to leave.  So I ordered five and took my sweet time on the last one.  Damned white people.  I can say that, I’m something like 1/16th or 1/32nd Native American.