I am dying

Well, not really, but I had another birthday and they are starting to get annoying.  Example – I got a nose hair trimmer and was excited about it.  Sigh.  That’s a bad sign.  I ate too much, which you’re supposed to do on your birthday, but that means another hour of running to make up for it.  I drank too much, which means I need a nap even though I slept in.  Not to mention I stayed in and played video games one night last weekend…well, that’s not age, that’s my aversion to interacting with people.

That said, please send presents.  I won’t be offended if they are late, I know you’re all busy.  Cash, booze, and cash are my top three favorite, in case you were wondering.  I do comedy – you could send me a ziploc bag full of pennies and I would be impressed.