Merry Christmas and what not

I didn’t do a blog about Christmas before the holiday, frankly, because there’s not much funny about it.  You either spend time with loved ones, which isn’t funny, or you have no loved ones, which is even less funny.  I get annoyed this time of year with atheists bitching about nativity scenes.  Do you militantly shout down six year olds for believing in Santa, you douchebags?  Guess what, if you have such big nuts, tell a Muslim what you think of Ramadan instead of dragging Pleasant View church to court every year.  I’m for religious freedom, but I hate people that cry about minor stuff.  It’s a plastic baby Jesus, it’s not imposing a belief system on you.  News flash for all religious and non-religious people – only one of you has it right and your odds aren’t too great no matter where you sit.  Calm down and let people have their holidays and traditions.

My one thought on Christmas is that the food is out of control.  I put on six pounds in less than 36 hours and I have enough leftovers where that is going to be a mother to change anytime soon.  The one good thing is that I am pumping out enough BM’s this weekend to justify wearing a manure catcher like a horse in a parade, so I know there are no problems in that department.  I’ve almost finished my George Washington book and it’s still 2011.