Things I learned in traffic court

– Somalians roll deep.  This Somali lady had half of Mogadishu with her.

– By wearing a suit, I was more out of place than a Wall Street power broker at an Occupy drum circle.  Apparently, baggy jeans with huge, cursive writing is a more appropriate clothes article in court.

– Showing up on time is irrelevant to most people.  That and using shampoo.  I wanted to shave my head after 35 minutes in that room.

– $7 to park a car for an hour is robbery.  Shame on you, metal money box.  Shame on you.

– The lady who sold me a coffee was about as friendly as a pit bull that’s been caged and poked with a stick for a week.  At least the pit bull would make eye contact before it snarled at me.