The million dollar question

I host a comedy workshop before my weekly open mic where I, with other comedians, bounce ideas around the table about material, punchlines and premises.  Sometimes I get really new comics who have some questions about everything under the sun.  I had a guy who had been doing stand-up for three weeks ask me how to make good money doing stand-up.  I wanted to tell him to rob a liquor store in the middle of his act.  That might be your best shot.

More recently, I had a young guy come in.  He had a ton of questions for me and I could tell he had never done stand-up.  I’m used to hearing “How do you get over nerves?” or “How do you handle hecklers?”  The newbie looked at me point blank and said “How do you, you know, be funny?”  My mouth started to move, but I realized he had absolutely no chance to ever be a stand-up comedian.  I’ll explain.

Every new comic needs improvement.  Some aren’t able to get to the point, some can’t write good punchlines to stories and some are just plain awkward.  Nevertheless, they have one thing is common – they all think they’re funny.  Most, especially rookies, are probably very wrong about that, but at least they have that down.  It would be like trying out for your high school basketball team and asking the coach, “How do you play basketball?”  The coach is expecting you to know that, probably how to dribble, etc.  “Hey coach, do we have to run and stuff?  That seems awful.  I just like the fancy shorts.”  I finally asked back, “What do you think is funny?”  “I don’t know.”  “Have you ever watched a comedian?”  He looked at me for a bit.  “I don’t know.  It seems cool.”  I almost had a stroke over this exchange, but finally said back, “When you come up with something funny, you’re ready to try again.  If not, I wouldn’t bother.”  He didn’t come back.

Well, I better wrap this tale up.  I’m thirsty.  Maybe if I stand near a puddle my thirst will be quenched.  I better ask someone how this works.

Traveling with a baby

Here’s a rundown of traveling with a baby vs. myself, as I just experienced.

Me: I will be gone four days.  2 pairs of jeans, 4 T-shirts, toiletries, socks, undies, and…I guess I should grab a laptop and phone charger.

Me and wife with baby: We will be gone four days.  We need five onesies, make it eight, half with long sleeves. Pants for all, have to match in case of pictures, which happen every seven seconds with a baby.  Eight PJ’s.  We need a thin blanket, a fleece blanket, and a soft blanket.  Double those in case of poo or spitup.  Check the weather – will it rain, snow, monsoon, earthquake or volcano?  Better pack for that.  Grab sound machine, timers, backup batteries, pack and play, portable swing, and floor mat.  Need breastmilk – which must stay cold, probiotics, gas drops, vitamin D, calming tablets, bottles, tall bottles, short bottles, nipples, bottle caps, bag to steam clean bottles, drying mat, teething rings and toys.  Toys must include ones to chew on, soft ones, fun ones, bright ones and whatever in the hell may help during a baby emergency.  Get books with colors, pictures and ones that could calm baby down.  Check weather again.  Also need binkies (three kinds), diapers, butt cream, skin cream, lotion, baby soap, portable tub, washrags, towels, car seat, car seat holder, mirror with lights for backseat to entertain baby for trip.  Load car again.  Realize there is no room for baby.  Repack.  Baby socks, baby shoes, bottled water and formula for backup in case breastmilk vampire attacks.  On second thought, let’s buy a hitch and drag the nursery behind us.  Fill up gas beforehand so you don’t have to stop.  Get on road, realize you forgot wife and baby, go back.  Get to destination, make list so you don’t leave everything there.  Vow to get back home and sell car so you don’t have to travel ever again.  Happy Thanksgiving.

The Final(s) Countdown

Tonight I will be hosting the Finals of the Open Mic Talent Search at the Columbus Funny Bone at 7:30.  I’ve won a few comedy competitions over the years and it’s one of the strangest experiences a comedian came go through.  The first time I did one was this very contest in 2008.  I got to the finals and was on fire in the first and second round.  I got up at the finals and completely ate it.  There’s nothing like 300 people staring at you in dead silence as you try to act like you’re doing well.  I would rather take a shit in front of 300 people than go through a bombing like that again.

I won the next one that they did in the fall though, less than a year and a half after I started doing stand-up.  The best part isn’t the prize money, it’s having a tag for your act.  “Former Winner of the Funniest Person in Columbus” sounds better than “Once performed to smatterings of tee hees at a bowling alley” or “Opened up recently for a guy who worked with a girl who guest spotted a show that Dustin Diamond was on.”

My advice for any comic in the contest format is maximize your laughs.  You’re only up there for 5 minutes.  The winner is usually the one that has a smooth 5 minutes and no down spots.  It doesn’t hurt if you have a lot of friends and family to support you, especially if they’re delusional enough to think you’re funny.  That’s advice you can take to the bank, says Chris Coen, 2008 Funniest Person in Columbus, 2009 Champion of Champions – Columbus Funny Bone, 2010 Funniest Person in Cincinnati – Go Bananas Comedy Club, author and comedian.  I should start a comedy consulting firm.  Oh wait, they’re all poor and I’ll make nothing.  Never mind.

Also my book is available on Amazon – “Stuff to Read While You Shit” – eBook and paperback.  I have a baby.  Do you want to starve my baby?


I brainstormed recently about possible outcomes for the 2016 Presidential Race – here’s what I came up with.

1) Bernie Sanders pulls off a massive upset over Hillary.  As he leaves the DNC nomination, he is hit by a car driven by someone in an orange pantsuit laughing maniacally.  An email implicates Hillary Clinton, but no one cares about the investigation and she gets the nomination.

2) Lindsey Graham storms out of nowhere to win the presidency.  No one wanted to vote for him, but think he’s a woman with that name and he wins the female vote handily.

3) Donald Trump wins the election, brings on Carly Fiorina as VP just so he can say “You’re Fired!” to her.  He builds a huge wall on the Mexican border, but it backfires when more Mexicans show up thinking it’s a casino.

4) Barack Obama decides to ignore the Constitution and run for a third term.  He wins, but the Republicans botch the impeachment hearing so badly they end up impeaching thier own Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.  Conservative Republicans call it a fair trade-off.

5) Ben Carson wins the election and immediately opens up a new department to investigate the pyramids.  Satisfied with the findings, he resigns to start an a capella singing group.  The chain of succession ends up making Mayor McCheese President, who undoes all Michelle Obama’s school lunch programs.

6) Jeb Bush wins by getting Karl Rove to secretly change the ballot to say who would you NOT vote for.  In the confusion, everyone ends up voting for Bush.

7) Hillary Clinton wins and bans all comedy clubs from America.  She then goes on tour of America to make money for the Clinton Foundation as the only comedy act allowed.  Her practice of changing her voice to black or Southern accents for speeches helps her do characters, but it falls apart when Bill turns the White House into a strip club in her absence.

8) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio tie and are forced to kill the Castro brothers as a tiebreaker.  Political pundits pontificate whether either candidate has seen the Running Man or Hunger Games and may have an advantage.

The perfect stocking stuffer, if you have stockings and stuff them

Hey comedy blog readers, I was going to blog, but I had to write a whole new five minute set for the Ohio State/Michigan Great Debate and I used all my funny.  That show is sold out, but I should be able to post the audio or video next week.  Stay tuned.

As for shows, I’m going to be hosting and closing the finals of the Talent Search at the Columbus Funny Bone November 25 at 7:30.  This will sell out before Wednesday – 

Finally, my book is now on Amazon in both paperback and as an e-book for Kindle. 

It should be obvious I suck at posting links, but my book should provide some cheap entertainment as a stocking stuffer for the holidays.  Or maybe as a full gift.  Maybe you’re cheap or you really don’t like the person very much.  Either way, I’ve got you covered!  Get your orders in now to get by Christmas – the publisher probably didn’t think I’d sell more than four copies, so stock is probably limited.

How to be a bag of shit after a tragedy

There are way too many bad stories anymore.  In the last week, I’ve seen stories about ISIS attacks, child abuse, government corruption and heroin overtaking communities.  Most people do the right thing when discussing them, like mentioning how such things make them appreciate their families, how they feel bad for those who have suffered, or even link to websites that offer aid and comfort.  It makes you feel better.  DON’T WORRY, THOUGH, THE INTERNET WILL TAKE OF THAT!

If you pointed out that there was an outpouring of support for France, but no one cared about the Beirut attacks, I get it.  If you didn’t post anything about Beirut before the Paris attack, you’re a douche.  “Why doesn’t anyone care about Beirut?”  I don’t know – why didn’t you until someone pointed it out to you and now you act like you’re better than everyone?

If you posted about the need for religious tolerance, while bashing another religion, you’re what is called a hypocrite.  I hate to bust up your moment – there are scumbags that are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, agnostic, Satanists, Druids, atheists…see where this is going?  Trashing a whole religion or non-religion to support another one is contradicting the whole point you feebly attempted to make.  Except for Zoroastrians.  I’ve had about enough of their bullshit.

Please do me a personal favor.  Don’t invoke the Constitution, Bill of Rights or another American symbol for topics you like, then trash them when they don’t work out to your exact specified list of political demands.  I can see James Madison now, writing out the Constitution.  “All done.  WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT WILL JERRY FROM PATASKALA THINK ABOUT THE APPOINTMENT OF FEDERAL JUDGES IN 2015?  SHIT, WE HAVE TO START ALL OVER!”

Finally, whatever your opinion on an event, political issue, or life in general, just remember there is a very stupid person that agrees with you 100%.  It puts things in perspective when you see someone post about how dare they get fired for stealing from the cash register at work share the same link as you.

ISIS is a radical terrorist group that sells little girls into sex slavery, burns people alive (including other Muslims), executes Christians, Jews, homosexuals and non-believers -even children.  This flock of shitbirds isn’t fighting for independence – they want to enact a global theocracy by any means, including mass murder.  While we’re pissing about, they are planning their next attack.  Let’s direct our venom at these Stone Age throwback intolerant psychos.  And Tom Brady.  Does that guy lose at anything?