The official COVID-19 statement

The executive president, owner, founder and CEO of has released the following statement in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic:

“Did you wash your damn hands before you clicked on this page? You just picked your nose and smashed that link with your unwashed hands? You disgust me. Go wash your hands. Now. I’ll wait.

OK, now that that nasty business in concluded…we here at want all of our customers to know (checks sales from website)…seriously, none of you bought anything? WE AIN’T CLEANIN’ NUTHIN’ THEN. TO HELL WITH ALL Y’ALL!

God, this is pointless. Wash your hands, wash your ass, don’t touch people and if you’re sick stay home. Seriously, quit saving your PTO for hangovers. Keep your snotty self quarantined. Also, why are you buying seven months worth of stuff. Don’t be a dick. Some lonely old person without the internet needs water and TP. Leave some for the rest of us. Except alcohol, I’m definitely hoarding that. Buy gift cards for restaurants, help your friends and family out and when you can, tip extra to those in the service industry. Oh and in a pinch you can drink the water out of the top of the toilet. It’s more sanitary than people trying to cram their political spin on a pandemic. Remember one thing also – COVID-19 or not – you can wash your hands any time, but touch me never.”