Things I don’t understand about life

I had to make some calls for work, which means I think a lot, which isn’t usually good.

How did Rax fail with cheaper sandwiches than Arby’s, less diarrhea than Skyline Chili and an alligator that skateboards?  BS.  Where are you now, America?  I need a King Rax now!

How did Donald Trump, who owns casinos, strip clubs and is on his third marriage win the evangelical vote in several states?  How did Hillary Clinton run as a woman of the people in the primary when she got millions to give speeches for Wall Street companies and big banks?  Why isn’t Axl Rose president yet?  I don’t get politics.  Take me down to Paradise City, I’ve had it.

Why can’t they make an eye drop for the eye doctor that dilates my eye for the test, but not for SEVEN DAMN HOURS AFTER?

Why did the guy I saw walking into Burger King think it was a good idea to wear a t-shirt with a clown on it…that had an eyeball ripped out…with his mouth dripping blood…with his four year old daughter?  Good job, Ward Cleaver.

Why is this the best blog topic I could think of right now?