Super Bowl recap

I would review the game, but ESPN will do that for another week straight.  Let’s focus on the important stuff.

Most depressing fact?  Mobile Strike the iPhone game makes enough money to pay for a Super Bowl commercial.

Lady Gaga did a great job on the National Anthem.  Coldplay looked like they got dressed by a Lite Brite.  Seriously, has any football fan ever pushed play on Yellow before the big game?  Let me rephrase, has anyone ever pushed play on Yellow, or any Coldplay song, before anything?

Please stop with the commercials where someone is moving screens around with their hands like Iron Man in his lab.  No one does that.  I’m about to shave, let me shift this floating screen of my face off to the side and bring up a shaving cream graphic.  Dumb.

Did the first Ninja Turtles movie actually turn a profit to justify a second one?  Then again, they made a bunch the first time and they’re worse than watching the Blair Witch Project after a bat spin race.

Sorry Xifaxan, if I have chronic diarrhea, I’m not going to a football game with or without you.

I wish I could make as much and do as poor a job as a Super Bowl Ad Exec.