60 minutes of comedy

I did a headline gig this past weekend where I was asked to do 60 minutes.  Comedy basically works in stages – 5 minutes for most open mikes, 20-30 to feature and 45-60 to headline.  If you’re doing anything over 45 minutes, you are earning your money.

I got to the show and guy stopped me.  “I looked for you on YouTube, but didn’t see you.”  I told him putting free videos is a lot of work and people just want more free comedy without ever coming to your shows.  He seemed satisfied with the answer, then proceeded to subscribe to my unused YouTube channel and left before the show started.  You know what’s better than a six year old YouTube clip?  SEEING ME LIVE FOR AN HOUR.  Oh well.

The show went pretty well, I knew I was near the end of my set because every five minutes you’re on stage the temperature goes up three degrees.  Or at least you sweat like it does.  Afterwards, the music act Terry fired back up and I sold some books to the patrons.  I misheard one, signed the book incorrectly and had to write – “I’m deaf” next to his scratched out wrong name.  The next lady bought a couple for her sons.  The bar was whiter than than Alaska in December – country music, Busch Light on ice, and hunting camo abounded.  For some reason, I thought the lady said her son’s name was DeSean.  It was Sean.  Yes, I’m dumb and years of loud metal haven’t helped.