Thanks Netflix

About a month ago, I noticed Netflix was on my TV – as in a channel type option.  It was awesome.  I can now access it with the remote.  Never mind that I already had it on my Playstation, iPad and computer.  The idea of walking to the basement or reaching to the back of the television was unbearable, apparently, because now my Netflix viewing is up 500%.  I am lazy.

One plus is now I have easier access to historical documentaries my wife wouldn’t watch on the threat of bursting into flames.  I did, however, have her watch Terminator 2.  She hadn’t seen the original so I attempted to briefly recap.  “Basically, computers become self aware and attack the human race.”  “Why would they do that?”  “I have no idea.  It’s not important.”  “That doesn’t make sense.”  (We’re off to a rough start here.)

I then explained how John Connor sends a guy back in time to save his mom, but he hooks up with his mom and becomes his dad.  “She sleeps with Arnold?”  No, he’s the robot.  She sleeps with the soldier.  “How can the soldier be the dad?  He wouldn’t exist in the first place.”  Damnit, that’s completely accurate.  This movie makes no sense whatsoever.  Let me try again.  There’s a bunch of guns and explosions and robots fighting people.  Plot doesn’t matter.  Hey Netflix, I need dumber movies to watch.