Pee Pee Boy and the Naked Quarterback

Sometimes things are normal on my weekend, as in I’m not getting paid work and I sit at home at drink instead going to another town and drinking, but as I found out…that could be weirder.

My future in-laws stopped by to visit this weekend, which meant two boys, 6 and 8 were part of the gang.  I actually have a lot in common with them, we like video games, Abraham Lincoln, and dogs…and apparently football.  I was on my computer when it was their bathtime, when the oldest ran out.  I didn’t look up until I heard him calling out “Hut, Hut!”  I looked up just in time to see him dropping back to pass.  In the ol’ birthday suit.  Well, guess, I’m staring at the ceiling for the next several minutes.

I thought the overwhelming awkwardness was done, but the next bathtime brought more.  I was watching TV, when a freshly washed young man ran out, flashed us one by one and yelled, “Pee Pee Boy!”  There was much laughing from his brother, much more staring at the ceiling from me.  I was rather disturbed, but in fairness, I streaked a sorority house when I was 19, so I can’t really judge.  Especially since I yelled “Pee Pee Boy!” the whole time.  It’s a small world.