News of May 2014

There has been so much going on, I thought I would take a stab at the current news.

Boko Haram, a radical militant terrorist group, kidnapped a couple hundred schoolgirls, because they think it’s just silly to educate women.  Why would they do that?  Is there some kind of religious reason?  Oh, that’s right, no one is allowed to say Islamic.  That’s not politically correct.  God forbid we insult a group of maniacs that kidnap girls and sell them into sex slavery.  That would be insensitive.

Michael Sam got drafted as the first openly gay player in NFL draft history.  If you missed it, ESPN has shown it about 400 times.  He kissed his boyfriend when he got picked up by the Rams.  I was offended, not for the man on man kiss, but for the cake on the face move.  I hate when couples do that at weddings.  “Oh my God, cake in the face?  I didn’t see it coming!”  My favorite part was the one idiot from the Dolphins that tweeted about how gross it was.  Now he has to do sensitivity training…before he comes back and tries to give someone his seventh concussion.  We like our people paid to maim other humans to respect them on the inside.

Lastly, Donald Sterling gave an interview where he said he wasn’t a racist.  I think it would have worked, if not for the hours and hours of racist tape recordings.  Nice try, stupid, you were really close to changing the hearts and minds of America.