My clothing line empire – take that, Kardashians!

Well, it was a Thursday just like any other.  Suddenly, I got the most amazing Facebook update.  No, it wasn’t an invitation to play Candy Crush Saga.  (I’m starting to think these aren’t exclusive invites…and why is every one a saga?  That sounds epic.  Also, if you’re going to invite me to play a game on Facebook, it better have sword murdering or superheroes for me to even consider it.  Someone invited me to play @HUGS.  There is a better chance of me joining a drum circle than playing a game called @HUGS.  Who can hug the most people?  I can!  YAAAAAYYYY!!!!  HUGS!!!!  I love strangers!  I win!  Some people don’t know me at all.  I digress.)

Back to my blog.  A comic named Chelsea I met a few years back tagged me – she found my shirt in a store near Put-In-Bay.  Suck it, Miley Cyrus and whatever K. Kardashian is plugging some slut gear at Whores R Us, my comedy shirt is being sold in all corners of the state!  Then I realized it was a Goodwill.  This means someone bought my shirt in drunken stupor after a show, then woke up and said, “Who in the blue hell is this turd?” and promptly tossed it next to their bellbottoms, silk button ups and bib shorts in the Goodwill bag.  Or even better, they wore it, read my blog, got offended my the content or lack of humor, and gave threw it away.  Then a homeless guy dug it out of the rubbish, wiped his ass with it, then gave it to Goodwill to sell for a buck.