Kickstarter ideas

One of the big stories on social media last week was a guy using the website Kickstarter to get money to make potato salad.  Kickstarter is a site where people can fund ideas for creative ideas.  Potato salad is not a creative idea.  I guess that’s why it was a big story.  I figured I would come up with some ideas.

What’s the problem with La-Z-Boy chairs?  If they were truly lazy, there would be a toilet in them!  That’s why I want a recliner chair with a pee hose and crapper.  Unfortunately, I don’t understand plumbing, so it will be a chair with a hole and a bucket.  You’ll have to sit by a window also, preferably a window next to a property line of a neighbor you don’t like, so when…you probably figured it out.

My diet is tough right now, because I have tried to give up a lot of foods and drinks.  Example – I like mayo.  I like alcohol.  I have to drop one…or do I?  Mayonnaise colodas!  Nothing says summer beach meets cookout like a mayo cocktail.  Coming soon!  Oh and use a lot of ice, hot mayo is a mess.

Lastly, I have a idea for an energy drink.  It’s basically a pop, but when you get to the bottom, it says you just drank rat poison.  In a frenzy, you then get some shit done, as you suspect your death is minutes away.  I’ll have to have the legal team look into that one, sounds like there may be a hiccup getting that to market.