A walk in the park

My soon to be in laws were in town this weekend and I went to the park downtown.  They had an obstacle course, which was pretty cool, other than the fact I saw a redneck wearing jeans and no shirt trying to do it while smoking.  Amazingly, this guy will probably have ten children and contribute to the decline of the human race.

I was near the rope ladder when I noticed a four year old boy attempting to climb the 20 feet.  “I’m scared!”  I approached quickly.  Then he said, “Am I scared?”  I scanned the area – not one adult, including me.  “Where’s your dad, kid?”  “My mommy and dad don’t live together.”  “Where’s your mom, then?”  “I don’t know.”  Well, I think I know why dad left now.  In fairness, he probably lives in a big house with guards and fences.  “Let me get you down before you fall (and I get blamed).  Now let’s find your mom before you climb.”  Thankfully, his mom was about 100 feet away…talking to the shirtless redneck guy.  My new pal ran over to her and all was well, not that she seemed to care.  I have five bucks on this rugrat stealing  a car by 2026.