Ferguson, Missouri and the serious side of comedy

Comedians are supposed to relate to everyone or bring up points that people wish they had thought of – as long as they get laughs.  Current events often bring a slew of jokes to open mikes, clubs, bars and the like, but the more serious the event, the riskier the joke attempt.  I hate to blog about serious stuff anymore, because after all, my website lamely says “comedy” in the  URL, but the Ferguson business has made it impossible for me to blog about anything else today.

Some of my friends have pumped my social media feeds with things about how vile cops are.  I have noticed that most of my friends (in fairness, mostly white) who don’t like cops are probably doing something illegal.  Example – “These cops keep pulling me over when I drink!”  They’re supposed to, dumbass.  I know, because I was that guy when I was younger, complaining that I was being harrassed.  What a tool I was.  Cops put their lives on the line to protect us.  Granted, there are dick cops and they are very poisonous as they can strip your freedom away…but so can scummy politicians, judges, lawyers, government officials, powerful business leaders…you get it.  Can we stop with the all cops are Satan posts?  A lot of cops get killed in the line of duty – just roll down a highway sometime and realize the name of that lonely stretch of road named after a trooper or cop is a human.

Calm down, those on the other side of the issue – if you think the fact that Michael Brown stole some Swisher Sweets makes him a justifiable homicide, you’re useless.  Does it help his perception after this tragedy?  Nope.  Does it justify it?  No way, and I’m exhausted with people thinking it does.  If he assaulted the cop, that’s straight up crazy (if that’s what happened), but yet again, doesn’t ease the blow for his mom.  Something to think about – a man died, whatever the chain of events.

Finally, I’ll wager about 99.9% of the douches that foul social media with incendiary posts about how blacks are violent by nature or white cops are out to kill minorities didn’t sit on the grand jury, take any legal courses, hear the eyewitness accounts, or even care about the facts.  I will bet most made up their minds before the facts even came up.  Sad.

Whatever happens, I won’t be touching this one at all.  It sounds like a mother lost a son and a cop that decided to tell a guy to get out of the street will have a target on his head forever, while the media rakes in the ratings and the commentators and shit stirrers rake in the cash watching the town burn.  Last I checked, no matter what your politics or race, we are all just trying to pay our bills, enjoy the company of family and friends and perhaps drink a cold beer at the end of the day.  Perhaps we should cut out the horseshit, flip off the 24 hour newstream and quit being dicks to groups of people we’ve never met.  Well, that was sanctimonious and now I’m the pretentious POS.  Oh well.