The vacation chronicles

I got a nice Christmas present from my lady – a trip to our nation’s capital.  She apparently has surmised I am somewhat patriotic…  We had a nice ride, mostly because all the government employees mass flee the city like rats in front of a fire once the weekend hits and tourists, mostly non-English speaking ones file in to fill the void.

There was a good start to the visit, as the hotel had free wine.  I don’t normally drink wine, but I wouldn’t turn down free alcohol if my liver was holding a gun to my head.  Then we enjoyed some really good sushi.  The weird part is that I’m pretty sure the hostess and our server were women, until they spoke.  I was jealous of their deep and booming voices.  I couldn’t get a voice that deep if I smoked Pall Malls while I slept every night.  Honestly, I wouldn’t have cared if their mystery genitals were on their foreheads, the food was that good.  Good start, vacation, good start.