Pictures from the capital of ‘Merica

I don’t post many pictures, so I thought this would be a welcome change.  My D.C. trip!

My salute to everyone’s favorite government institution, the IRS.
If Lincoln ran today, you would see a bumper sticker that said “Don’t blame me, I voted for Lincoln.” I would have one, by the way.
This looks like a comic, but it’s actual historical proof Abe and Cap fought the Rebels and Ruskies. I will not tolerate any dissent on this. It’s a fact.
Dr. King looks mad…”You will have Civil Rights, motherfucker!”
George Washington’s actual sword. You have no idea how much I wanted to steal this. I may be back…
The actual pillow Lincoln laid on before he died. If I would have touched this, the patriotic energy would have evaporated Iran instantly. You’re welcome, Iran, you’re welcome!