
My fiancee flew out of town for a week, so I decided to keep a log of some of the highlights.

Day 1 – I noticed there are foods that require delicate preparation.  This is no good.  Not one can of Chef Boyardee, Hormel or Chunky Soup.  I may starve to death.  Side note: I did immediately get beer before food.

Day 3 – I did my open mike then went to see Kyle Kinane headline the Woodlands show ran by Dylan Shelton.  I’m sure at this point in the week I have forgotten something important, like feeding the dog or flushing the toilet.  Just kidding on the last one, I have been using the backyard.  It’s so liberating.

Day 6 – I have managed to eat poorly enough to wreck my insides completely.  Today, I purchased a $6 sausage pizza that feeds around five people and took half of it down.  This is the fourth time I have had pizza thus far, but I have at least added Beano for dessert.

Day 8 – Now begins the frenzied cleaning projects I have put off most of the week.  No time to blog…must clean…Wow, if I recycled my beer cans, I could probably quit working and live off the money I get from the cans.  Math wasn’t my favorite topic in school.  I now also realized I have to change my shirt when she gets back.  This one has different colored sauce stains on it.  I don’t remember eating wings…

Well, she’s coming back today and the animals are still alive (and so am I) so I think I did OK.  Good thing too, in addition to me missing her, I am out of canned meats and cheese, so I am unable to make anything other than Pop Tarts at this point.