
I had a show Friday night, where I happened to be the emcee.  The worst two parts of emceeing are not only do you have to make the funny happen, you also have to announce stuff and remember the other comics’ intros and whatnot.  Announcements stink – “Hey everyone, are you ready to laugh?  Great!  Oh by the way, here’s the next show info (which you’ll forget), here’s the drink list (which you’ve already heard from the waitress) and so on and so forth…now I have to be funny.”

I met both the other comics before the show and knew one pretty well.  The other I had never met, so I had to get all her info, but I had two people come up to me and start chit chatting.  Long story short, I misheard her last name as Peacock, which it clearly was not.  I did a set, good not great, then proceeded to ask if everyone was ready Carolyn Peacock?  OK, terrific!  That wasn’t her name.  She proceeded to give me about 30 seconds worth of abuse, which she should have.  I apologized for my bad hearing and general retardation afterwards, but she said it worked to her advantage so she had no issue with me.  Luckily, no one will remember my name either way, so water under the bridge I guess.