New Year’s Resolutions

I think New Year’s resolutions are useless.  If your life sucks in July, why wait another five months to do anything about it?  That said, I fall victim to this a lot and like 99% of America, give up on the resolution by about mid February in a good year.  I’ll make a couple again, only this time to compound my shame, I’ll put them online for people to see.

I will lose at least three pounds this year.  Maybe even four.  There, that felt nice.  Of course if I don’t, I’ll just blame some outside factor.  Oh, and I need to work on some comedy stuff – as in, more joke writing and a new DVD.  It’s pretty hard to blog five days a week, then get motivated to work on jokes and reshaping my set – which I haven’t done much in the last year.  That said, I will still blog, just a little less.  I had over 17,000 hits last year, so thanks for reading.  Maybe in 2013, although less frequent, hopefully my blogs will be better than chili recipes and updates about my dog…but I’ve hit my resolutions limit.  No promises!