“You know who you look like?”

This is the most interesting questions someone can ask.  I did a show last night and this young chick came up to me and said, “I know you probably hear this all the time, but you look just like Ryan Dunn (from Jackass).”  Great.  I look like a dangerous drunk driver.  (Disclosure: I wrote a joke about this next one)  I was also told I looked like a young David Hasselhoff after a show.  It was the most depressing moment of my life.

In fairness, I used to hear I looked like Joshua Jackson, aka Pacey from Dawson’s Creek.  I was such a douchebag in college, I tried to use that to my advantage once.  Drunk, I went up to a table of 18 year old ladies and said, “Hey, I just had some girls tell me I look like Pacey from Dawson’s Creek.  I don’t think so, what do you think?”  (I had a wet beer stain on my shirt, FYI)  This chick looked at me and said, “Who is that?  Wasn’t that show on like 10 years ago?”  I heel-turned and realized in the fight between drinking and getting laid, I had better stick to drinking – it only filled me with shame the next morning, not all week long.  Remind me to be nice to my lady this weekend…

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