More show tales

My show last weekend was nice.  I showed up and the guy running the show was very accomodating, almost too much – I can’t deal with overly nice people.  I think they’re trying to steal my wallet or something.  I went up, did my time and pretty much, in my opinion, threw out a five out of ten.

I was kind of bummed watching the headliner.  I was pissed at my set, then the show ended and I sold more shirts and DVD’s than I have at any show in 13 months…  Guess it wasn’t that bad after all or this particular crowd all liked to silently laugh like they were British aristocrats from the 19th century.

After the show, the headliner offered up the advice that I should ditch my watch, since it was big and shiny (I also looked at it once to make sure I was good on time).  This made sense…except for the fact he was in full makeup as a clown.  Yes, that happened.  I honestly don’t know, but I think he was dead serious.  Oh well, on to the next show.