The drag show, part 2

The show started with a showtune or something similar (who would have guessed?) and the men/ladies changing onstage – thank God with suits underneath, mid sections wrapped in duct tape.  I immediately became confused, because I didn’t know it was all lip syncing, so I felt a little cheated…then I realized I didn’t know 80% of the songs, so who gives a shit?

There was a lot of crowd interaction and back and forth between the performers, which meant a lot of cattiness, inside jokes and pop culture references, but some lines were funny.  I got lost again when the words boy/girl, man/woman, he/she were flipped around and switched so often I was afraid to guess which one to use.  The normal rules of penis=man and vagina=woman were out the door, so I just ordered more beers until I figured out this Gordian knot of gender rules.

As the show ended, I had to appreciate the fact that two men were able to sing as women (lip sync) just for the fact it was so damned ridiculous, I don’t know how one accomplishes such a feat, but I probably won’t go back ever.  Of course, by probably, I mean unless there is free alcohol.  I would go to a public execution for free alcohol.