Staring at a silent crowd is the worst

Every comedian bombs at some point.  One of my favorite stories was a show involving huge names I heard on XM involving Ray Romano, Colin Quinn, and a host of other comics (I forget who all was on the show) taking turns eating it at a show.  Each one thought they would be the one to win the crowd over, but it never happened, much to the delight of each previous comedian.  That happened to guys with extensive TV credits who sell out clubs and theaters – imagine the crap I’ve seen.

I did a show called the Comedy Revolver and a last minute emergency caused the emcee to have to cancel, so I jumped in to host the show.  I stupidly asked who liked sports to a crowd of skinny, scruffy hipsters, who stared at me as though I asked them who liked paper cuts and drinking Windex.  Dead silence.  I then blamed myself (good move) and then them (not good).  Even more silence.  It took a couple jokes, but the format was for the others to bash me and Bob and Zac jumped all over my nuts, like they should have.

That is an interesting dynamic of comedy – show confidence, use sarcasm, be in control…but God forbid you insult the crowd or they turn on you like Judas Iscariot.  It’s hard to utilize the “compliment sandwich” (praise, critique, then praise) when your natural instinct is the “insult salad” (bash, criticize, demean, top with venom and force feed).  So let me practice.  You don’t watch sports?  That must mean you’re really cultured and don’t waste time on them.  Did I mention your jeans are so tight I can see your manhood or lack thereof?  I like your sweater.  There, that was better!  Learning is fun.