Politics and the internet

I fight very hard to keep my political views out of comedy.  That said, I could write entire acts on the dumbass comments people make on facebook, twitter, and news stories.  Comments on news stories?  Are we all reporters?  More importantly, are we stupid enough to think news outlets (left or right) are pure as the driven snow?  Of course not.

The reason I keep my thoughts to myself?  I don’t care what other people think via sniper fire in quick comments.  I would rather shave my balls with Rosie O’Donnell’s old Bic razor after she just cleaned up her back than start a 57 comment back and forth on facebook with someone who is blasting me with talking points from imalwayscorrect.org.  If someone wants to have a civil discussion, I’m in.  A virtual screaming match?  Cover me in honey and throw me on an anthill.  Get ready, everyone, for 2012!  If you read the comments section, we’ll have an undercover Kenyan Muslim against a Christian crusader who seeks to impose the Pope as the head of state and kill poor people.  Or is the Zionists behind the whole thing?  Probably that – I saw a lot of Jew bashing is making a comeback online, sadly.

Bullet point – keep your “I read this headline” political views to yourself.  I consume a lot material on my own.  Oh, and you live in your mom’s basement.  Thank you for the two cents, I’m fine.