My world famous radio appearance

I was asked to guest on a new spot on QFM 96.3 in Columbus this week.  I was pretty happy to do it for the press and because all comics are media whores.  Or just whores, but I digress.  I actually had a little reservation due to the fact the show had me doing 2-3 minutes live.  I am not exactly a church comic, but no problem.  I got up at 5:30ish and went over.

The problem was that the road had two names and the actual building was one of those corporate centers where five of the places look exactly the same.  I was due on air at 7:15 am and at 7 I was screaming curse words driving like a maniac over what seemed like 2 foot speed bumps looking for the place.  I found it and the door was locked.  If I had any trouble being awake, that was over.  Thankfully, I had the phone number and they let me in.

My brain was racing with these words…don’t curse…don’t curse…don’t curse…I should’ve pooped…don’t curse…  I walked in and ta-da!  Radio show is live.  (More tomorrow, I had an open mike last night and am exhausted.  Stay tuned.)