My white trash motel

I had to book my own room for the show last weekend, but I got a “bonus” to pay for it.  Nice, but small, so my options were limited.  I found one that accepted pets, so I was all over it, since finding a dogsitter is a pain in the ass.  Mostly because I feel guilty asking, not due to the dog.  Stringbean is almost nine years old and about as intimidating as a Precious Moments figurine.

I got in and the lady was nice.  “Would you like this on your American Express card?”  I stupidly said, “I don’t have an Amex card.”  There goes the free motel room…shit.  I pulled around the parking lot and realized that six rooms in my block of rooms had their doors open and were partying in the parking lot like Michigan City, Indiana was Panama City.  My dog got out and promptly wandered over to the pit bull on a leash outside the meth lab room across the way.  He’s so nice and innocent, unlike me, he just meandered over.  A fat, tattooed broken condom of a woman ran out – “He attacks!”  I dashed over to save my dumb dog and grabbed his collar about three inches before he got murdered by this nearly feral beast.  FYI, hilljacks – I will kill your dog.

Thankfully, I got in the room just in time for the OSU/Syracuse tipoff.  Then I realized for no reason, CBS was not available in the room.  This makes sense, since CBS is such a fringe channel.  I quickly pulled the game up online…but the internet lag froze up the feed after about 45 seconds.  Guess who got to the show 90 minutes early?

At least I had a nice handicapped bathroom